
Virtual Support Center
When you can’t make it to campus, you can still take advantage of all our services through Delaware Tech’s Virtual Support Center. Applicants and enrolled students at Delaware Tech can access staff, information, and resources.
Virtual Support Center

100+ Programs of Study
We offer a wide variety of credit programs -- including a bachelor's degree, associate degrees, certificates and diplomas -- designed to prepare you for success in the world of work or to transfer credits to a four-year university.
Programs of Study

Virtual Summer Camps
More than ever, children need socialization, learning, and exercise. Camp staff have been busy pulling together your FAVORITE camps and making them VIRTUAL!
Virtual Summer Camps

Food Safety Knowledge Allows Jones To Follow Her Interests
Diamond Jones

Mariellen Taraboletti
Early Childhood Education

Davis Keeps Local Airline Company Flying High
Adam Davis

College Helps Taiwanese Immigrant Achieve Her American Dream
Mary Chen
View Alumni
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